Manufacturing Insights

Manufacturing Insights

US-China Trade Wars, What’s It All About?

In recent years, the manufacturing world has become dominated by two superpowers, each battling for prime position on the world stage. Dubbed by the media as the “US-China trade wars,” this fierce battle, cannot have escaped the notice of manufacturers across the globe.


What Will Your Manufacturing Software Look Like In The Future?

The pace of technological change in manufacturing has ramped up a notch or several in recent years. Whereas in the past, you might have considered upgrading your computers and tech systems every ten to fifteen years (or even longer) it now seems as if software becomes obsolete within years rather than decades.


Megxit For Manufacturers: Lessons In Upgrading Your Factory

The British nation are glued to their TV screens eagerly awaiting each update about the ongoing saga that the media has labeled “Megxit.” Two years ago, the hearts of the nation sang as the tragic, loveable prince, who had already rejected countless maidens, finally found his one true love.


What Is The Real Difference Between Manufacturing In China Vs The USA?

These days, two superpowers are battling for supremacy on the world manufacturing stage - the US and China. China’s manufacturing capacity has been growing steadily in the twenty-first century and with GDP of $13.2 trillion in 2018 it has become a powerful force on the world stage.



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